About 30 members of the Plone community participated in a 3-day sprint at WebLion , following Plone Symposium East 2012 . We worked on PloneEdu, Plone Installation on Windows, ZopeSkel Documentation, Plone Accessibility, a promising new product called plone.app.toolbar, and a follow-up dose of Code Cleanup and Removal. Thanks to Steve McMahon for leading our sprint; to team captains Kim Nguyen, Ross Patterson, Cris Ewing, Matt Barkau, Nathan Van Gheem, and Eric Steele; and finally, to Mark Corum and Rob Porter for...um...naming this the Hot! Hot! Hot! Sprint. Here are the teams and what we accomplished: PloneEdu Plans include fresh content, a site facelift, and new hosting for PloneEdu , a resource for educational institutions using Plone. Team: Kim Nguyen, Mark Corum, Rob Porter, Chris Thomas, Brian Davis, William Fennie, Prathmesh Mengane, Greg O'Toole Accomplishments: Defined the PloneEdu audience Made plans to migrate the site's hosting to Osh