So, your team has been practicing Agile for a while, but it's not making a whole lot of difference. Excessive planning sucks up weeks of time before the work even starts. Releases still take forever to accomplish, and you are not delivering value to the customer but once every few months. Iterations don't stay inside their time box but straggle all over the place. Has anything really changed? Maybe not. Because maybe you are using Fake Agile. In the big and overlapping world of The Agiles and their ilk, teams can adopt and fine tune a combination methods — team roles from Scrum, user stories from Lean, project boards from Kanban, pair programming from Extreme. But that does not mean you can borrow one or two techniques and call yourself Agile. You absolutely need to put in place the following: An iterative process in which the customer is an integral part of the team. Base changes and enhancements on customer feedback. Then do it again. And again. A team environme
on outdoor life, literature, agile development, the web, and other blithe pasquinades