This article was originally posted at Blogs@SI on April 22, 2005.
The fact is, Web developers interested in going this route but who aren't quite ready are looking for a solid starting point and a process that minimizes reworks. That's the approach I took with this audience, and it is the approach I take with my own development:
1. Build incrementally and validate early and often.
This comes second nature to applications programmers: By building an application a little at a time and testing after each increment, debugging is confined to small blocks of code. Instead of entire pages. There are lots of validation tools available, including w3c's validators. I primarily use FireFox's Web Developer Extension ( to validate XML, CSS, and other code. This combines a useful set of tools with the most standards compliant browser on the scene. Even though I may not have made changes recently in the style sheet, I validate this incrementally as well. The reason: errors in code can throw themselvs out as CSS errors. Of course, frequent validation will not take the place of careful coding. For one thing, code can validate but still contain problems. For another thing, the more carefully you code, the less cleanup you will need to do after validation.
2. Start with a completely new development environment.
Many developers disagree with me here. They prefer to work with existing files, cleaning up legacy code as they go along. My thinking is, if the site is in need of conversion, it likely has a whole lot of other issues that should be addressed as well: overall architecture, dynamic code and queries, administration and workflow, database structure, page design, and content. Converting to WS without addressing these issues is a bit like putting new guitar strings on a milk crate. Starting with a new, clean dev environment also does wonders for your mental state. It just feels great to leave all that junk behind.
3. If you're new to WS, make sure you take the time to choose the correct doctype.
Your doctype is the backbone of your Web page. You should go no further until you are confident that you have this set up correctly. I could say a lot more about this, but Jeffrey Zeldman says it better:
4. Organize your style sheet in a way that makes practical sense, and comment this organizational scheme.
Keep categories of styles together according to their functions: tag styles, formatting, classes, and so on. This is just common sense, I realize, but it's shockingly easy to allow a style sheet to rage out of control.
5. Give semantic names to styles - and other page elements such as includes, for that matter.
If you name a div "lefthandnavlinks," what happens when the site gets redesigned and they're no longer on the left hand side of the page? Your div name makes no sense. There's a better reason for semantic naming, however: it enhances accessibility:
6. Develop a cognitive map of the Web page you are converting.
I do this directly on the Web page, setting up the layout and putting placeholders in where content will go: [Banner], [Global Navigation], [Main Content], [Footer], and so on. Apple has an article on its Developer Connection that provides some examples of simple page maps: Developing a page map allows you to construct the page, plug in your CSS, and validate without the added noise of content elements. Content will come later. Page maps also have a refreshing way of making you think more clearly about the page - and the site - you are constructing: with only the structure present, page real estate issues come to the forefront.
7. Don't overuse divs and don't overuse classes.
The Apple site, above, also talks about Classitis and Divitis.
8. Look for opportunities to simplify.
Table-based Web pages were a breeding ground for clutter - in code, in design, in navigation, and in little pieces of content lying here and there. WS-based designs tend to make Web design far more streamlined and efficient.
And that is a very, very good thing.